Jean Castex, soon interim CEO of RATP

Aéroports de Paris (ADP), SNCF and RATP will be led by interim bosses during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In March, Emmanuel Macron asked Augustin de Romanet, the 63-year-old president of ADP, to stay in charge for the duration of the sporting competition before handing over to a younger boss. In May, the President of the Republic also asked the CEO of SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, who will be 67 on July 4. We do not yet know the names of their successors. The ADP board of directors therefore appointed Augustin de Romanet interim president. Ditto for Jean-Pierre Farandou, who can exercise his functions until the age limit is cut, in May 2025.

For RATP, it’s more complicated. Without dissolution of the National Assembly, the affair would have been a formality: Jean Castex had to be reappointed because, for the moment, he is completing the mandate of his predecessor, Catherine Guillouard, which expires on Tuesday July 23. It was to be extended for five years. The Elysée announced in a press release on Monday June 3 that it would propose to Parliament, on the proposal of the Prime Minister, the renewal of the head of the management.

He was to be heard again by the sustainable development committees of the National Assembly and the Senate. Without opposition from three-fifths of the votes of the two committees, it could be renewed. Incidentally, the RATP board of directors must be renewed and tightened. As the mandate of its members is coming to an end, the State shareholder has decided to reduce their number from 27 to 15 people for greater efficiency in the debates.

Ministerial decree and order

A ministerial decree, signed both by the Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergriete, and that of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, is expected to appoint these administrators (with the exception of employee representatives), so that they can , a few days before the opening ceremony of the Games, appoint their president. However, they will only be able to do so if it has been validated by Parliament.

However, this will not be possible before Wednesday July 24. The Minister of Transport and the Minister of the Economy are therefore looking for solutions. Monday June 24 in the morning, on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the extension of metro line 14, in Paris, Jean Castex was informed that a decree would soon be published to appoint him, too, president by interim, in order to ensure the continuity of the CEO functions. A decree should follow to appoint the administrators.

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