Sunday January 23, 2022, in a press release, the Altice Media group, parent company of BFMTV and RMC, announced the withdrawal of Jean-Jacques Bourdin. The headliner of the media, targeted by a complaint for a sexual assault, therefore finds himself deprived of antenna “temporarily”.
Following a complaint for sexual assault filed by one of his former colleagues, Jean-Jacques Bourdin, headliner of BFMTV and RMC, is the subject of a police investigation. A file that the Altice group does not seem to take lightly. Indeed, the parent company of BFMTV and RMC, announced the withdrawal of the companion of Anne Nivat. “Jean-Jacques Bourdin, at the request of the management, temporarily withdraws from the antennas of BFMTV and RMC. This decision was taken so as not to prejudice the daily operation of BFMTV and RMC. This temporary removal of the antenna will prevent thethe political and media manipulations of this affair“, thus indicated the direction on Sunday January 23, 2022. And to recall that the 72-year-old journalist “vigorously disputes the facts denounced”.
An internal investigation
According to The Parisian, which broke the case, the complainant, now 33, worked “for several years” with Jean-Jacques Bourdin on the morning show of BFMTV-RMC. According to the information relayed by the media, this one “grabbed her by the neck and tried to kiss her several times“ in a swimming pool at a hotel in Calvi in 2013, during a business trip. This journalist would have “debated” and managed to get out of the pool. Jean-Jacques Bourdin would then have said: “I always get what I want”. Then he sent her “for several months insistent emails and text messages”.
Charges denied by Jean-Jacques Bourdin. : “I recognize having bathed with her in the swimming pool of this hotel. But I never tried to kiss her by force, nor her, nor ever anyone else”, he replied to the Parisian. For the time being, the investigations have been entrusted to the police station of the XVIth arrondissement. And for its part, the Altice Media group, owner of RMC and BFMTV, launched an internal investigation into the alleged facts the day after the complaint.
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