Jean-Jacques Bourdin accused of sexual assault: the journalist “soon” back on the air

Accused of sexual assault by a former BFMTV journalist, Jean-Jacques Bourdin was dismissed from the air last January. But in a tweet posted on Sunday April 24, the presenter made a surprising confidence.

Jean Jacques Bourdin back soon? Dismissed from the antenna of BFMTV and RMC since January 23, the presenter is the subject of an internal investigation within the group. He is the subject of a complaint from a former BFMTV journalist, Fanny Agostini, who accuses him of attempted sexual assaultas revealed by the newspaper The Parisianon January 15th.

No longer having the opportunity to speak on television, it is through Twitter that the presenter has become accustomed to expressing himself in recent weeks. Sunday April 24, day of the second round of the presidential election, the husband of Anne Nivat posted a message that says a lot about his possible return. ” “When will we see you again? ” I am asked this question very often in the street… again this morning while going to vote. I invariably answer ” soon… “wrote on Twitter the 72-year-old interviewer.

Something to delight his many fans with whom he tries to animate debates on the social network at the blue bird. “” Do better ‘were the last words of the embodied and inspired speech of #JeanLucMelenchon cynical or benevolent? Message transmitted, will his successors be able to do better? we have often gutted ourselves in front of a microphone but it is irreplaceable..”he tweeted the day after the first round of the presidential election.

The reaction of Jean-Jacques Bourdin after being removed from the antenna

Jean-Jacques Bourdin reacted in a press release. “I regret the unilateral decision of the BFMTV Group and RMC to withdraw me from the antennas to prevent the risk of instrumentalization of the complaint of which I am the subject”then he later explained that he regretted “Let the principle of the presumption of innocence be ignored. I would like to thank the listeners, listeners and viewers who show me their support”.


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