Jean Lassalle: “Macron will not be re-elected because there is too much anger”

The presidential candidate and founder of the Résistons! obtained on February 17 its 500 sponsorships necessary to formalize its candidacy. Currently on the road to meet the French, Jean Lassalle returned to some elements of his program, his convictions, his vision for the future, and took the opportunity to criticize the polls and a candidate in particular…

Paris Match. After having supported the yellow vests, scrapped to defend the “little people”, are you today for the “freedom convoy”? What do you think, when he is credited with 26% in the first round, of Emmanuel Macron’s policy, in particular on the health crisis?
John Lassalle. I support the freedom convoy because it is a symptom of a fractured and very angry country. We see that these people are helpless, all these ordinary and nice men and women feel that nothing and no one is listening to them. But that, we had already observed with the yellow vests. The President of the Republic told the French that he would learn the lessons in front of 13,000 mayors, but all still have it in the way today. In addition, the same evening, Notre-Dame was burning, which overshadowed this speech and gave an additional outburst of anger. The same thing can be said with the health pass which has done a lot of damage because most of the people who protest are not antivax, but are panicked about new vaccines that have no approval. Nobody had a single word about them. Now people are chewing gum and passing it from mouth to mouth to get the Covid France is split, and hatred towards elected officials is increasing. Now on the polls, if I look at my case, six years ago all put me at 0.5%, like today, with inroads at 2%. I think polls are no longer informative. In any case, it’s a real dezincification enterprise that is set up against me. Macron, for his part, has a pole that has followed him since the elections and which adhered to his discourse quite admirably because he has not moved, as at the time of Nicolas Sarkozy; François Hollande, meanwhile, experienced turbulence. Macron’s figure will not hold because the electorate does not follow him on the health pass and remembers the yellow vests.

Read also: Presidential: Jean Lassalle obtained his 500 signatures and sponsored Philippe Poutou

I have always been independent

Politically, where do you stand? Right, left, centrist, sovereignist, liberal? Where are you talking about? (you are for the RIC, an increase in the SMIC to 1400 euros, recruit 6000 gendarmes and police officers, increase the salaries of teachers, for the SRU law…).
I faced 27 elections and I won 25 of them. I lost the presidential one but I, on the other hand, gained the legislative ones. I know what politics is; I followed François Bayrou for a long time, he learned a lot from me and I from him, but I realized that I was on the wrong track: during the last presidential election, for example, he wanted to lower the number of deputies, I was against it, he was for proportional representation, I was not, and on the European level, there was this perpetual race forward on this federal European Union when the French voted “no” in 2005. I have always been independent; I was a shepherd, a consulting engineer and I am now a deputy and founder of Résistons! party which brings together many former abstentionists. I want to collect. Our country is fed up with divisions, and it does not want extremes. He wants a breath in unison and I would like, before the explosion, to do something for my country. I would like to do it in two to three years, the time that lightning love lasts, which is enough to set a first milestone. I want a State that is a symbol, that transcends borders, a universalist country and a civilization that places us above the fray. I want to rebuild the State and reorganize the territories, work with local elected officials but also relaunch research and reassure Man in the face of medicine. I would also like to put kaleidoscopic plates because they produce a lot of light, while keeping nuclear because I don’t see how we can do without it for the moment. Besides, another major question: was it useful to dismantle Alstom? Macron, the husband of Pécresse and Rothschild were around the table! When we sell off our most precious possessions in the United States, does that show a sign of devotion to the country?

Read also:Jean Lassalle: more important voices than they seem?

Sarkozy and Hollande each offered me a ministerial post which I refused.

And insecurity in all this, a major theme of the campaign?
Insecurity is an important and serious subject. We need a speech of appeasement. It seems to me that people are afraid and we must both make them less afraid and increase the income of the weakest. We don’t need cameras everywhere but we need to watch over their health. I myself, in the past, helped young people. I think it’s important to relaunch research, rebuild beds, set up nice places with psychologists and psychiatrists who have more connections. It is true that too many posts have been cut in the police, but people are afraid of the gendarmes.

In the second round, for which candidate could you call to vote?
Do you believe that at 66 years old, with four children, 26 elections, I ask myself the question? I see that stations like France Inter often invite the same candidates, and it’s a shame for the others. This question does not arise and we must first pass the first round. If I had not presented myself, I would not know who to vote for given the current level with, for example, a Nazillon from the 1930s who thinks that we can be as much on television and in front of mayors. The campaign is not about making a Zenith either. If I take someone like Mélenchon, we are experienced, but he agreed to be a minister, I didn’t. However, we have excellent reports.

What do you think of the current policy? Do you have any regrets?
If I have one regret, and I have written several books, maybe ten, it is to have felt twenty years too late that we had to do otherwise, on the recovery of our sovereignty in particular, look for example our deplorable attitude in Ukraine, I mean, this huge table between Putin and Macron! I regret not having been able to anticipate certain things more quickly. But, rest assured, I am throwing myself headlong into this campaign and I want to present 250 executives from my party. There will be a dynamic. The outgoing president will not be elected because there is too much anger; he won’t have a majority, like Mitterrand in 1988. People like Emmanuel Macron, even if I understand that he appeals, and I don’t have the same software at all. He will not be re-elected. I will train young people until the end of my days, I want a higher commitment. You know, Sarkozy and Hollande each offered me a ministerial post which I refused. For me, the priority is to rebuild France

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