Jean-Luc Mélenchon tackles the “liberal” Élisabeth Borne

Por Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Élisabeth Borne is “liberal to the core”. Guest of the Grand Jury RTL-LCI-Le Figaro, the boss of La France insoumise joked about the comments presenting the new Prime Minister as coming from the left. ” [Élisabeth] Borne has an extremely heavy social abuse record. I’m not impugning his intentions. I think she’s a consistent woman. I respect her. She is liberal through and through and she goes to the end of her logic”, declared the leader of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes).

To justify himself, Jean-Luc Mélenchon recalled the record of the new head of government when she was Minister of Labor. He notably mentioned the abolition of the “status of railway workers” or the fact that it “changed the unemployment benefit system”.

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In the coming weeks, the new executive, unveiled on Friday, is expected to present new measures to fight inflation, driven by the war in Ukraine. The boss of LFI, he swept away these proposals. In reference to the food check announced, Jean-Luc Mélenchon considered that it was “not the answer”, without totally rejecting the idea.

“There are times when it is good that there are checks […], but that’s not the answer,” he said. Before denouncing what he considers to be the indirect financing of the agri-food industry. “The public treasury feeds the private treasury. […] I am for the blocking of prices”, he recalled, insisting on finding the solution which will make it possible to stop “the inflationary spiral”, in particular on fuels and energy prices.

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The Insoumis does not want to remain “candidate for eternity”

On a personal level, Jean-Luc Mélenchon repeated on Sunday that he “did not want” to be a candidate for the next presidential election, scheduled for 2027. He considered “to be a hell of a candidate”. “A year ago, I was thought to be dead when talking about my damaged image and the left in pieces. And then we came out at 22% [21,95 % des suffrages, selon les chiffres officiels, NDLR] “, he hammered in reference to the last campaign.

The leader of Nupes claims to have “rehabilitated the left”. Despite this, he indicates that he is not “a candidate for eternity”. “At one time or another, things also have to fall into place,” he said of his succession. Before evoking, again, his wish to be “the next Prime Minister”, after the legislative elections. “That’s enough to ask me,” he concluded.

READ ALSOCoignard – The disturbing convergences Mélenchon-Le Pen

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