Jeanfi Janssens slept with two show business stars: details about her famous lovers…

The love life of Jeanfi Janssens has been entertaining the general public for a few years now. The 48-year-old comedian and actor, regular resident of Big heads of RTL, never hesitates to indulge in his various adventures, from his request for Pacs in a pizzeria to the monstrous debts left by an ex-lover… On June 28, he made new revelations.

On the set of the program hosted by Laurent Ruquier – who has set himself a goal at the helm of Big heads before handing over – we were able to hear some personal anecdotes from the columnists. While Julie Leclerc, defector from Europe 1, was teased about her former lovers, Jeanfi Janssens took the plunge by revealing that she had slept with famous people! “I can’t reveal names like this“, he however clarified, perhaps avoidingouter famous men. But he confirmed having had sex with “at least two starsof show business.

Jeanfi Janssens, “happy in life“even if, according to Julie Leclerc, he has “nobody“because she had seen him flirt in the premises of RTL, however consented to give some details on the identity of the two lucky ones. Thus, he specified that one was “in the song“and the other was”in humor“. Additional details from the former stewart: his first relationship is recent and the second took place in 2021! I said too much or not enough…

Jeanfi Janssens, who is a hit at the theater in the play A magical couple, has several times had the opportunity to talk about his love and sex life. Asked last year by Purepeople, he told of having lived a beautiful story that had ended badly when his career took off and that since then he had focused on work rather than on his life as a couple. “I went through a bit of a sentimental desert so I said to myself: ‘Go ahead, work, it always helps to work.’ And then I said to myself that this was not the time to fall in love because this brilliance, all that, can go out of date quickly. I didn’t want constraints, or being unhappy or going through something that would slow me down. And I put blinders on, I thought, ‘Work.’ With only light loves on the side, as they say“, he said.

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