Jenifer young mother “victim of harassment”: “I was afraid for my son”

Discovered at age 19 thanks to the first season of the star AcademyJenifer has “grew up under the eyes of people”she explained to our colleagues at 7 Days TV. A notoriety that has not always been easy for her to live with. “It is true that I haven’t always experienced success well“, she admitted. What’s more, the label star Academy stuck with him for many years: “We were a little expected at the turn […] We had to work a lot not to disappoint.” While she was harassed, these first years of fame were not easy for the young woman. “I suffered a lot of harassment, she confided. So, when she became a mother for the first time at 22, of a little boy named Aaron (the fruit of her love with Maxim Nucci), she “was afraid for [s]we son”.

The singer, who wants to be reassuring, subsequently explained that she managed to ignore the harassment. “I was able to overcome that, thanks to the passion for music andpublic love, declared Jenifer who already has more than twenty years of career. Almost eleven years later, in 2014, she gave birth to her second son Joseph (whom she had with Thierry Neuvic), then in 2021, to her youngest child, a little boy named Juvanni (fruit of her love with Ambroise Fieschi) . To protect her boys, the Corsican singer remains very discreet about their private life.

⋙ PHOTOS – Jenifer, Houcine… Who are the children of Star Academy alumni?

What kind of mother is she to her three sons?

Jenifer is today a happy mother. Last May, she spoke in the columns of Current Woman about the education she is trying to provide to her three sons. And, according to his words, the ex-coach of The Voice is far from aiming for perfection. Jenifer is simply trying to do her best to raise her boys and instill in them the values ​​she herself received as a child: “ I was educated with the precious values ​​of honesty and generosity. I strive to instill them in my children “, she slipped to the magazine. In addition to these values, she wants these sons to be “ sensitive to the world around them “, because ” there is nothing worse than indifference », continued the artist who has been involved with Restos du coeur for twenty years. Finally, Jenifer advocates transparency and sincerity within her home: “ We talk to each other about everything and without taboos or judgments. I don’t have complete knowledge or answers to everything… but my role as a mother is to provide them with the keys so that they can form their own opinion. “, she further clarified in the same interview.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

Photo credits: Cyril Moreau – Coadic Guirec / Bestimage

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