Jennifer Aniston: Actress doesn’t feel like dating online

Jennifer Aniston
Actress doesn’t feel like dating online

Jennifer Aniston has been married twice so far.

© Ron Adar /

Actress Jennifer Aniston is looking for love. However, she wants to find them offline: She excludes online dating.

Many who struggle to find love at some point try online dating. This option is out of the question for Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston (52). “Absolutely not,” she said in an interview with the magazine “People”. “I’m sticking to normal dating. Somebody should ask me if I want to go out with them. I would prefer that way,” she said.

Aniston trusts fate

If she finds a new love, another marriage is also not a priority for Aniston. “Oh God, I don’t know,” says the actress, adding, “I don’t have that on my radar. I’m interested in finding a fantastic partner and just having a good life and having fun together. That is everything we can hope for. It doesn’t have to be set in stone with binding documents. “

So Aniston doesn’t want to force anything – and she has good reasons for that: “I’m currently in a place of inner peace. I have a job that I love, there are people in my life who mean everything to me and I have beautiful dogs. ” To get through difficult times, she practice meditation and attach great importance to mindfulness. “I’m just a very happy and blessed human being.”

Jennifer Aniston has already had two marriages: Between 2000 and 2005 she was the wife of Brad Pitt (58), from 2016 to 2018 she was married to Justin Theroux (49).
