Jennifer Aniston: She’s had trouble sleeping for decades

Jennifer Aniston
She has had trouble sleeping for decades

Has now got her sleep problems under control: Jennifer Aniston.

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Jennifer Aniston has struggled to get enough sleep for years. In an interview, she now reports on rituals that help her.

Former “Friends” star Jennifer Aniston (53) suffers from massive insomnia. The US actress spoke about this in detail in an interview with “People” magazine. She has struggled with insomnia for decades, and in the past even with the phenomenon of sleepwalking. “I think it started in my 30s,” Aniston says candidly. However, you don’t notice the effects of lack of sleep when you’re younger. At that time she felt invincible.

“In the beginning I just took it and then suddenly you realize how the lack of sleep affects the day, the work, the mind and the body,” continues the Hollywood star. At the time, she was struggling to fall asleep, staring at the clock again and again, concentrating on how much time had passed and how many hours of sleep she had already missed: “And the more I thought about it, the harder it was to fall asleep. I’ve tried everything.”

At times when she got extremely little sleep, she also sleepwalked. “I was woken up by house alarms that I set off,” Aniston said. But now she doesn’t do that anymore. The fact that she has overcome this phase is a “silver lining on the horizon” for her.

Jennifer Aniston regrets not seeing a doctor sooner

Aniston now regrets not seeking medical attention sooner. For a long time she considered her problems “not that important”, but she really struggled with them. Now she knows that the three pillars of “nutrition, exercise and sleep” cannot be separated. If you don’t get enough sleep, your inner clock gets completely confused.

In the meantime, she has established a sleep ritual that helps her. She takes her time to calm down and does some stretching or yoga. In addition, their smartphones are no longer allowed in the bedroom. But Aniston doesn’t want to do without one thing: cuddling in bed with her three dogs. That’s way too comfortable.


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