Jeremiah Green: Modest Mouse drummer dies aged 45

Jeremiah Green
Modest Mouse drummer dies aged 45

Jeremiah Green, pictured here performing in the summer of 2022, is dead.

© imago images/Gonzales Photo

The drummer and co-founder of the band Modest Mouse is dead. Jeremiah Green passed away at the age of just 45.

Jeremiah Green (1977-2022), drummer of the US indie rock band Modest Mouse, is dead. The musician died on New Year’s Eve, shares the group on Instagram. “Today we lost our dear friend Jeremiah,” says one of Green’s pictures. He lay down to rest and never woke up. Green was only 45 years old.

“Please appreciate all the love you give, receive, have given and will receive,” the post continues. Jeremiah was always concerned above all with love. “We love you.”

Band recently made cancer diagnosis public

The band recently made the drummer’s cancer public. “Jeremiah was recently diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing treatment,” shared lead singer Isaac Brock, 47. on the band’s account a few days ago. “It seems to be going smoothly and making a positive difference,” Brock wrote.

Green co-founded the band Modest Mouse alongside Brock, which formed in the early 1990s. In 1996 the band released their debut album This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About. The last album so far, “The Golden Casket”, was released in summer 2021.


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