JO bonuses: SNCF offers up to 1,900 euros in compensation for mobilized railway workers

Travelers about to board at Montparnasse station, February 16, 2024 (AFP/Archives/Ian LANGSDON)

A daily bonus of 95 euros gross for railway workers who will work during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, with a ceiling of 1,900 euros: this is the proposal from SNCF management submitted to the unions on Wednesday, the day after a very successful strike in Ile-de-France.

The draft agreement, the adoption of which is crucial to avoid social conflict during the Olympic period when 10 million spectators are expected on the trains, is “open for signature by trade union organizations until Tuesday June 4”, announced the management

“The proposed compensation is 95 euros per day worked during the sporting events for the 50,000 railway workers mobilized throughout the territory, whatever the profession”, according to the SNCF press release.

The cumulative amount of these compensations will however be “1,900 euros maximum”, specified the management of the railway group.

His proposal is the conclusion of a round table “lasting a little over four hours” which was held on Wednesday with the four representative trade union organizations (CGT Cheminots, UNSA Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT Cheminots), in the presence of the CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou, who is leaving his position at the end of the Games.

“We went from 50 euros to 95 euros, so there is actually progress,” Thomas Cavel, CFDT-Cheminots general secretary, welcomed to AFP, without commenting on the outcome of the planned consultation of the members.

SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou in Paris on May 3, 2024

SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou in Paris on May 3, 2024 (POOL/AFP/Thomas SAMSON)

The draft agreement provides for “the creation of fixed-term contracts and the possibility of perpetuating precarious jobs”, further welcomed the representative of the CFDT who wants “the Olympic Games to be a lever for social progress”.

The management’s offer “contains advances that UNSA-Ferroviaire was making”, also welcomed its secretary general, Fabrice Charrière, contacted by AFP. “Our federal office will position itself before June 4 on whether or not to sign the agreement,” he added.

SUD-Rail and CFDT Cheminots also announced that they would consult their members, without commenting on the proposals.

The agreement also provides for a “flat rate of 50 euros per day per household” for childcare costs and “the possibility of deferring eight days of leave until June 30, 2025”.

– very successful strike –

This final negotiation meeting was held the day after a well-attended strike in Ile-de-France, intended to weigh on the negotiations, the slowness of which was denounced by certain unions.

Minister Delegate for Transport Patrice Vergriete welcomed a “balanced proposal for an agreement to recognize the exceptional commitment expected from railway workers during the Olympics”, hoping for a signature “from a majority – or even all – of the unions”.

“I nonetheless remain convinced that the strike we experienced yesterday (Tuesday) in no way served this favorable outcome. And even that it harmed the interests and image of the company and its employees with the French”, added the minister, in a statement to AFP.

The political class, particularly on the right and the far-right, denounced on Tuesday an “unbearable” strike, initiated by “privileged” people.

“The number one objective for the year 2024 as boss of the SNCF is to make the Olympic Games a success in France,” declared Jean-Pierre Farandou on Wednesday evening on BFMTV.

He claimed to have set the ceiling of 1,900 euros by aligning with the amount of the bonus planned for police officers and gendarmes working in Ile-de-France during the competitions. “It’s a kind of Republican reference,” he said.

At RATP, negotiations have been completed since mid-May. The mobilized agents will receive on average 1,000 euros gross per month and the bonus could go up to 2,500 euros for certain metro and RER drivers.

Unlike the Paris Transport Authority, which negotiated profession by profession, the SNCF defends having opted for a single bonus common to all agents “in the interests of fairness”.

At RATP, negotiations have been completed since last week.  The mobilized agents will receive on average 1,000 euros gross per month and the bonus could go up to 2,500 euros for certain metro and RER drivers.

At RATP, negotiations have been completed since last week. The mobilized agents will receive on average 1,000 euros gross per month and the bonus could go up to 2,500 euros for certain metro and RER drivers (AFP/Archives/STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN)

“This summer, the level of rail traffic will be higher than that of a normal summer (on average +15% in Ile-de-France),” recalls the SNCF.

The public group expects to transport “10 million spectators and up to 15 million French and international visitors expected”, by mobilizing “4,500 additional trains in Ile-de-France, or 300 more trains every day”.

Furthermore, “370 additional TER trains” are planned “in the host cities (Bordeaux, Châteauroux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Nice and Saint-Etienne)” as well as an adaptation of the TGV and Intercités transport plans, according to SNCF.

© 2024 AFP

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