Job vacancies up 32% year on year in third quarter

Nearly 3.5 million job openings were identified in the third quarter of 2022, according to Adecco-Analytics.

Despite an uncertain economic context, particularly because of inflation and the war in Ukraine, business leaders are looking to recruit en masse. According to the latest barometer from Adecco-Analytics, a subsidiary of the interim and recruitment specialist, 3.49 million job offers were published in the third quarter of the year alone. A figure up 32% compared to the same period last year – marked by the Covid – but down 8% compared to the second quarter of 2022.

Since the start of the year, 10.7 million job offers have been identified by Adecco-Analytics, i.e. as many as for the whole of 2021, which was already breaking records. This strong need for recruitment is driven by the “business support services», such as accounting, IT, human resources or administrative operations. “The offers are also very numerous in the professions of personal services, in particular for children and supported by employer households for the start of the school year.“, specifies Adecco-Analytics in its barometer, before adding that the opportunities are also very numerous in the trades of logistics, industry, health or construction.

In terms of distribution over the territory, Ile-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes concentrate a third of the offers published in France. The Paris region alone represents nearly 710,000 published offers, followed by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (500,734). “The slight decline in offers this quarter compared to the previous one is more marked in Normandy and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté», Specifies the barometer. These two regions are experiencing a drop in job offers of 12% and 13% respectively compared to the previous quarter. But the levels of publications there still remain extremely high (+35% over one year).

Finally, the share of permanent contracts increased by 2.1 points over one year and now represents 61% of the offers proposed. “Faced with candidate shortages, companies seek to attract and retain talent“Adecco-Analytics analysis.

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