Jobs of the ex-wife of Éric Ciotti: the prosecution opens an investigation

This decision follows the publication of press articles according to which the ex-wife of Éric Ciotti, Caroline Magne, would have held several jobs until September 2016.

On Tuesday, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) opened a preliminary investigation for embezzlement of public funds, breach of trust and concealment of these offenses, after the publication of press articles according to which the ex-wife of Éric Ciotti, Caroline Magne, would have accumulated several jobs in the Assembly, in Nice and in the Alpes-Maritimes department, until September 2016.
I would like to emphasize that these jobs were always fully exercised, that they were known to everyone and in total coherence with his university training. I therefore have no doubt that this investigation will confirm all these elements. “, reacted Eric Ciotti in a press release. Last week, the MP pointed to the calendar: “On the eve of the Republican presidential elections, I am once again basely attacked.»

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The more time passes, the more the PNF becomes an exceptional jurisdiction for Les Républicains. It doesn’t surprise me anymore“, judged in the process the boss of the LR deputies, Olivier Marleix, showing solidarity with Éric Ciotti. “What bothers me is that the PNF seems to practice a double standard“, Continued the group president, referring to past investigations on François Fillon and Nicolas Sarkozy. “No one disputes the materialityJobs held, he concluded to the press.

An attitude shared Tuesday by all Republicans, decided to unite, while the internal election for the presidency of the party must take place in early December. “We don’t comment, we don’t enjoy it, we won’t use it», Slices Othman Nasrou, spokesperson for Bruno Retailleau, insisting on the desire to carry out a «clean campaign“. “We don’t want to use it“, assures Pierre-Henri Dumont, close to Aurélien Pradié. “The activists are not fooled, they experienced the same phenomenon five years ago, but that did not prevent them from supporting François Fillon until the end“, wants to believe Guilhem Carayon, spokesperson for Éric Ciotti’s campaign.

SEE ALSO – Ocean Viking: Eric Ciotti tackles Macron from “cowardly and helpless»

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