Jodie Whittaker: Your last “Doctor Who” season starts in October

Jodie Whittaker
Your last “Doctor Who” season starts in October

Jodie Whittaker is leaving Doctor Who after three seasons.

© lev radin /

The 13th season of the sci-fi series “Doctor Who” starts in October, as the BBC has now announced. In it, Jodie Whittaker celebrates farewell.

After three seasons, Jodie Whittaker (39) will be leaving the successful British sci-fi series “Doctor Who”. Has now the BBC announced, the special date on which the 13th season, in which Whittaker will star for the last time, premieres.

The time has come for Halloween on October 31, 2021: Then the season will start on BBC One, BBC America and BBC iPlayer. In a short teaser trailer warns “Doctor Who” of a threat from the mysterious “Flux”, which will spawn a host of enemies from across the universe. “This will be the fight of our lives”, announces the 13th incarnation of the Time Lords Doctor.

Three series specials planned

Even after the season, the fans don’t have to say goodbye to Whittaker: She should be seen in three series specials in 2022. The first is planned for New Year’s Day, the other two will be shown later in the year. Wittaker’s contract ends in autumn 2022.

“I will forever carry the Doctor and the things I have learned within me,” Whittaker said in a July 2021 statement. In addition, the 39-year-old, who since 2017 has become the first woman to play the eponymous Doctor, thanked the entire team of the cult series: “My heart is full of love for this show.”

In addition to Whittaker, showrunner Chris Chibnall (51) announced his retirement, who, like Whittaker, joined the series in 2017. Your “shift” is now over and it is time to step down. In 2023 the series will celebrate its 60th anniversary with a new doctor and a new showrunner.


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