WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden said he was open to a debate with his Republican rival Donald Trump on Friday after the latter challenged him to debate “anytime, anywhere” .
“It will depend on his behavior,” Joe Biden responded to journalists as he prepared to go to Philadelphia to launch his electoral campaign.
Three debates are usually held by the Commission on Presidential Debates during the presidential election year. In 2020, Donald Trump and Joe Biden faced each other in two debates, with a third having been canceled.
Republicans withdrew from the commission two years ago after protests from Donald Trump over the timing of events, their formats and the selection of moderators.
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But on Wednesday, Donald Trump challenged Joe Biden on his social network Truth.
“It’s important to God and our country that Joe Biden and I debate the issues that are so important to Americans. That’s why I’m calling for debates, anytime, anywhere,” wrote Donald Trump.
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