Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: allegations renewed in closing arguments

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Allegations renewed in closing arguments

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp divorced in 2017.


The closing arguments in the court case between Johnny Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard have been spoken. Depp’s lawyers shared again.

In the trial between Amber Heard (36) and ex-husband Johnny Depp (58), the closing arguments were held on Friday (May 27) after a long six weeks of trial. Depp’s attorney, Camille Vasquez, is in court in Fairfax, Virginia according to CNN declaring, among other things: “We ask that you give Mr. Depp his life back by telling the world that Mr. Depp is not the perpetrator as Ms. Heard has claimed and by holding Ms. Heard accountable for her lies.”

The lawyer described Heard’s allegations of abuse according to the BBC in her plea as “wild, exaggerated and implausible”. There was an abuser in the courtroom, but it wasn’t Mr. Depp, Vasquez said, playing an audio recording of the actress admitting to hitting her then-husband. “Mr Depp was verbally, physically and emotionally abused by Ms. Heard,” she said.

Heard’s attorneys, Elaine Bredehoft and Ben Rottenborn, also provided the jury with their closing arguments. “A verdict against Amber sends a message that there is always more to be done as an abuse victim,” Rottenborn said, according to CNN. “No matter what you document, you always have to document more. No matter who you tell, you always have to tell more people. […] Don’t send that message.” Rottenborn added that there were “overwhelming” facts showing that Depp abused Heard. He also reminded jurors of explicit text messages between Depp and his friends telling them said he wanted to harm his ex-wife.” This is a window into the heart and mind of America’s favorite pirate. This is the real Johnny Depp.”

Jurors deliberate

Now the jury of the court begins their deliberations. Depp denies any allegations against himself and accuses his ex-wife of defamation for which he wants millions in damages. He is suing Amber Heard for $50 million over a 2018 article she published in The Washington Post. In it, she claimed to be a victim of domestic violence. She did not mention her ex-husband by name. Depp claims the post nonetheless ruined his career, damaged his reputation and cost him a lot of money.

Heard has filed a $100 million counterclaim against her ex. The couple got married in 2015. The two separated in 2016 and divorced in 2017. Both parties have repeatedly accused each other of domestic violence.


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