“Joko & Klaas against ProSieben”: 15 minutes for two imposters

“Joko & Klaas against ProSieben”
15 minutes for two imposters

Joko Winterscheidt (left) and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf were able to convince in the game “The High Pile catches the worm”.

© ProSieben / Ralf Wilschewski

With a sovereign performance, Joko and Klaas earned their 15 minutes of airtime. Previously, they had to stack high.

In the penultimate episode of “Joko & Klaas versus ProSieben”, the two moderators have again earned 15 minutes of live broadcasting. While the show for Joko Winterscheidt (43) and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (39) was rather mediocre, they were able to convince in the final.

Two against a whole crowd

First, the two competed in different tasks against 100 employees of the station. Among other things, they should cover a huge postcard displayed on the floor of the studio with their bodies in such a way that the moderators could not see the city of Paris. Despite all efforts, Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf gained the first advantage.

They couldn’t collect snakes that had been left in the studio in a pre-recorded game, but there was another interim win against the entertainer twins Dennis and Benni Wolter. After another defeat in the fourth task, Winterscheidt and Heufer-Umlauf should stack things particularly high in “Der Hohe Stapel fangs den Wurm”. They were able to clearly assert themselves against their colleague Melissa Khalaj (33) and colleague Christian Düren (32). They also clearly lost the following game against American football experts Patrick Esume (48) and Icke Dommisch (35).

Arrogance without a fall

This enabled the moderator duo to go into the final with three advantages. In “Omitting” they had a total of 43 letters to convey answers to each other. The more letters they used in one answer, the less they had for the rest. Heufer-Umlauf should first recognize the phrase “The dog in the pan is going crazy”. He did so after Winterscheidt’s hint “Da Hu Pfa”, after which 36 letters were left for the remaining six answers.

Confident in victory, Heufer-Umlauf expressed his sympathy to the station’s employees before the last reply. In fact, Winterscheidt finally had no problems recognizing the five letters “Voice” in the casting show “The Voice of Germany” and thus securing the victory for the two.

This will give them another 15 minutes of free live broadcasting on November 9th from 8:15 p.m. In the event of a defeat, the duo should have given a speech on TV on November 11th. ProSieben will show the last episode of the show on November 15 from 8:15 p.m. There will be another season next year.


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