Joko Winterscheidt: He is particularly proud of that in the Corona year

Joko Winterscheidt
He is particularly proud of that in the Corona year

Joko Winterscheidt is happy that he was there for his employees in the Corona year.

Joko Winterscheidt is happy that he was there for his employees in the Corona year.

© ProSieben / Claudius Pflug

Joko Winterscheidt looks back on the Corona year and reveals: "That I even miss Klaas is perhaps the greatest insight."

"The duel around the world" or "Joko & Klaas against ProSieben" – Joko Winterscheidt (41) was able to do most of his work together with Klass Heufer-Umlauf (37) despite the restrictions caused by Corona. With "Who is stealing the show from me?" (from January 5th on ProSieben) he will even launch his own show at the beginning of the new year.

In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the moderator tells what he is particularly proud of looking back on the turbulent year 2020, what he missed, how video conferences became his annoying companion and why he will not cook better in the coming year despite his heartfelt wishes will learn.

With "Joko & und Klaas against ProSieben" and subsequent 15-minute programs like "Männerwelten" you attracted attention this year. What were your highlights from your TV appearances in 2020?

Winterscheidt: I don't have any specific highlights. Looking back on the whole year, I think that for no one went the way he had imagined at the beginning, I am very happy how we got through it in full. We now have a company where many people work for whom we are responsible. I am proud that, in addition to everything we do on TV, we have managed to be there for all the people who are not in the limelight, but who enable us to be in the front. As long as this appreciation works, I am sure that we can still achieve a lot together.

Other industries had a harder time in the Corona year. Did you find a way how you can support others during the crisis?

Winterscheidt: On Instagram, for example, I drew attention to small shops that are unfortunately currently having major problems. Above all, I have just noticed that people are less understanding than they were in spring. We have to get there a lot more. What we now have in front of our chests is completely different from what we experienced in spring. It's crazy when friends from the event industry tell me that it won't be clear to them until August where we're headed. Also friends with smaller restaurants who have invested in a winter business and are now sitting on their expenses and cannot open …

If we don't try to all move closer together in order to get through this together, then it won't work. If we don't manage that, I'm afraid that this society will fall apart even more.

Your new everyday life also includes video conferencing, which is not necessarily your favorite activity …

Winterscheidt: At first I thought it was great, like many others. In the meantime I think to myself: Why am I never free from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., where people usually do lunch? Why do I have video calls there? If you start at nine in the morning and finish at nine in the evening, I find it more exhausting than a normal working day. You have to readjust from topic to topic and have in mind what has been discussed in the last few calls. As nice as it is that you are supposedly more at home, you get so little of it.

Especially since I am one of those who did not have a place to retreat straight away, because in fact I never needed a real home office. In between times I was alone in the company in Berlin. They are totally mundane little things, but I noticed how much you miss people. I think in a year like this, realizing that I even miss Klaas is perhaps the biggest lesson I take with me.

In your podcast "All roads lead to fame" you said that you would like to learn to cook better in the coming year. Could your buddy Tim Mälzer help?

Winterscheidt: He would certainly give me tips. But it's more of a romantic idea of ​​the real reality of being able to cook better. With all the video calls, it will come down to me supporting the local restaurant scene. I just don't take the time, no matter what the resolution is. We have colleagues in the company who started exercising in the first lockdown and went through a physical development where I thought: Ah, so that's where I would have been if I had started exercising.
