Jordan Bardella confirms he will lead the European elections, a step towards 2027

Jacques Serais / Photo credits: Ludovic MARIN / AFP

The president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella announces this Monday morning in the columns of “Figaro” that he will “naturally” be at the top of his party’s list in the European elections of June 2024, as five years ago. All-risk insurance for the National Rally.

The deadline is still far away but for Jordan Bardella, now is the time. The president of the National Rally (RN) announces this Monday morning in the columns of the Figaro that he will be head of the RN list for the European elections of June 2024. This is more a confirmation than a surprise as this candidacy was expected. A decision that says a lot about the strategy of the National Rally to then try to conquer power in 2027.

One of the favorite political personalities of the French

Jordan Bardella says it himself, the European elections will be “mid-term elections” for Emmanuel Macron. “There will be no other national election by 2027” insists the president of the RN. That’s why there were no internal debates about who would top the list.

Jordan Bardella, elected MEP in 2019 at the age of 23, is today one of the favorite political figures of the French, behind Edouard Philippe or Marine Le Pen. Above all, an Ifop poll for the Sunday newspaper places him at the top of the voting intentions for these Europeans with 25% of the vote.

“The last step that separates us from power”

It is therefore out of the question for Marine Le Pen’s camp, which is targeting the Élysée, to unscrew by next June. “The party that will be in front, in the Europeans, will be propelled for the presidential battle” judges an RN strategist. “It’s the last step that separates us from power,” says Jordan Bardella, who beyond the cleavage of the nationalists against the globalists, now theorizes a new reading grid to try to broaden his electorate: “those who accommodate the decline of France and those who refuse it”.

According to information from Europe 1, Éric Zemmour for his part must announce his list in the European elections this Friday, September 8, with Marion Maréchal at the top of the list.

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