Jordan Bardella: this surprise he probably didn’t expect

It is a ranking that neither Jordan Bardella nor public opinion expected: the young politician appears, for the first time, in the Top 50 favorite personalities of the French for 2023. Established by Ifop for The Sunday Journaland published this December 31, this ranking positions Jordan Bardella in thirtieth placemaking him the only political figure present in this selection! Faced with this resounding entry of the young man into this well-known ranking, Frédéric Dabi, boss of Ifop, reacted to our colleagues at JDD : “ [Il s’agit d’une] huge breakthrough ! Bardella is the only politician present in the Top 50, when those who appeared there were ejected. He escapes the generalized distrust that affects his peers ».

Aged 28, Jordan Bardella became president of the RN in November 2022, succeeding the one who took him under her wing, Marine Le Pen. Although it did not appear in the ranking the previous year, in 2023 it ticks all the boxes, also positioning itself as the favorite personality of the French who vote for the RN, he is thus ahead of his mentor who is placed in fourth position. In addition, he occupies the first place on the podium French people who vote on the right (UDI, LR, RN, and Reconquest), once again ahead of Marine Le Pen, who is in sixth position.

The Government’s popularity rating is falling

Although appearing in the Top 50 the previous year, the Minister of Education, Gabriel Attal, retrograde in 2023 to rank 57th. However, it remains the first political figure member of the Government of the rank. The popularity rating of the Head of State continues to decline, since in 2023, Emmanuel Macron occupies 63rd place, i.e. 28 places fewer than in 2022. Unsurprisingly, the Ministers of the Economy and the Interior, Bruno Le Maire and Gérald Darmanin, are far behind, in 87th (-7 places) and 89th place respectively. Let us note, however, that the police chief is the only one to have improved his ranking, gaining four places. As for the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, she is in 93rd position (-4 places). Once again, the Ifop ranking is dominated by the essential Jean-Jacques Goldman.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.

Photo credits: ELYxandro Cegarra / Panoramic / Bestimage

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