Judith Williams: She built her company without a business degree

“The Lion’s Den” star Judith Williams, 51, set up a beauty company without a business degree. In an interview with “Bild am Sonntag”, she revealed how she did it.

She got tips from books

She taught herself the skills for a businesswoman. “I didn’t study business administration and for many years I felt like I knew a lot less than the others.” That’s why she worked extra hard: “To compensate for that, I accelerated like a madwoman, absorbed everything like a sponge. I read every book by the world’s most successful top managers to understand how to build a company.” Your studies are life. Nevertheless, she still dreams of “getting a real degree somewhere at the university”. She could imagine psychology or marketing management for that.

But the problem of the busy businesswoman, who still works seven days a week: “I currently don’t have the time. I also have a family that I want to take care of.” She has been with the actor and singer Alexander-Klaus Stecher, 55, for 16 years, and they have two daughters. He now works as her manager and helped build her company.

A happy marriage, healthy children and success at work – is there anything else the 51-year-old wishes for? “My husband and I keep asking ourselves this question. We agree that we could do without everything material, just not us and our loved ones.” But she still dreams of a cooking class in Venice.

Actually, she wanted to be an opera singer

The life of Judith Williams as a businesswoman was by no means predetermined. At first she wanted to sing like her father at the opera. But as a result of treatment for a benign tumor, she lost her voice at the age of 24 and had to give up her singing studies. She then started working as a receptionist at a gym and discovered her talent for sales. She started as a presenter at QVC and HSE and eventually developed her own cosmetics line.


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