Julian Assange is free: which Marvel actor played the famous whistleblower?

Whistleblower Julian Assange, who has just reached an agreement with the American justice system, is free. The opportunity to return to the film “The Fifth Power”, in which a Marvel superhero played the founder of Wikileaks.

Julian Assange is free. Detained for five years in a high-security London prison, the Australian whistleblower has just negotiated an agreement with the American justice system, according to court documents made public. The founder of Wikileaks, prosecuted from 2010 for having exposed hundreds of thousands of confidential documents, is expected to plead guilty, before a federal court in the Mariana Islands, to “conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information.”

On the occasion of this release which puts an end to a saga of almost 14 years, we recall that a film centered on Julian Assange and the creation of Wikileaks was born in 2013. Titled The Fifth Power, it saw Benedict Cumberbatch (Marvel’s Doctor Strange) slip into the role of the whistleblower, and Daniel Brühl played his sidekick Daniel Domscheit-Berg.

“I immersed myself in the unauthorized biography of Julian Assange in order to glean information from the people who had met him”declared Benedict Cumberbatch on our microphone. “It reminded me that a lot of people, with very different ideas, were involved in this organization. So I tried to imagine his perspective, and mix it with the point of view of others.”

Julian Assange didn’t like

We will specify that Julian Assange didn’t like this Fifth power directed by Bill Condon (to whom we owe the last two parts of the Twilight saga). After having expressed his dissatisfaction with the film whose content he considered to be erroneous and having even expressly asked Benedict Cumberbatch to give up playing him on the big screen, the whistleblower, resentful, decided to overshadow the project. How ? By offering free download Mediastanhis own documentary on Wikileaks.

“This weekend, rather than wasting your time and money on Hollywood propaganda, why not get your friends together and spend some time watching Mediastan instead?”declared Julian Assange in a press release. Atmosphere.

“The Fifth Estate”: “An intelligent approach” according to Daniel Brühl

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