Julien disadvantaged during the evaluations? His brother makes a point

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Mathieu Canaby, Julien’s eldest, obviously did not appreciate his brother’s appointment this week. He therefore stepped up to the plate without being waited on Instagram!

If Julien is known for his wild temper, that’s also why viewers appreciate him and why he was saved after each nomination. But in addition to his “fans”, the candidate for the new season of the star Academy can also count on the support of his family and in particular his brother. Indeed, his eldest, Mathieu Canaby, who is also a singer, stepped up to the plate this Wednesday, November 9, when he learned of Julien’s appointment for the third time since the launch of the tele-hook, on October 15. In a story posted on his Instagram account, Mathieu accuses the production of putting his younger brother at a disadvantage. “This guy passes all his bonuses but not his evaluations I can’t stand it anymore. No kidding, for those who saw (and I would have said that for everyone else too), but he was downright at a disadvantage” he thus wrote. And to continue by saying: “1 hour to learn their song, ok, everyone is in the same boat, but having to wait behind for everyone to pass (Julien went last to the evaluations, editor’s note) and remember his song (especially when you don’t know it ) it’s hard phew. He had it in addition to rehearsals! Especially since he worked hard this week, he was crazy motivated. Besides, he’s sick. However, he did well in his theater test. It is driving me crazy !“.

Obviously, after his little rant, Mathieu called on the public to support Julien once again so that he would not be eliminated on Saturday. “He mustn’t go out now, he’s gradually revealing himself, he’s really worked this week, he’s growing up, he’s starting to understand, but his loss of confidence and the few disadvantages he’s had have once again screwed on the bench of the named“. Remember that Julien will play his place on the prime presented by Nikos, alongside three other students, Anisha, Stanislas and Tiana.

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Julien and Mathieu, a duo that gets people talking

Last Saturday, November 5, Julien was ultra serene since he was not on the bench of the week’s nominees. He was therefore able to take full advantage of the bonus and come and sing several times. He even had the pleasure of offering himself a surprise performance with his brother Mathieu Canaby, who also caused a lot of talk on the web. And for good reason, viewers have enormously criticized Mathieu, accused of wanting to steal the show from Julien. What is certain is that the fiery pupil of the Star Ac’ enjoyed this moment full of emotions with his brother. He also burst into tears when he saw his performance during the debrief.

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