Juliette Armanet has never found herself beautiful, rare confidences of the singer

Juliette Armanet, awarded at the Victoires de la musique 2018 for the revelation album of the year, revealed herself completely in an interview with the magazine Psychologies, in which she notably noted surprising information about her physique. “I never thought I was pretty and for years I literally hid myself (…) I would always be five feet tall, I would always look like that“, she confessed, without any filter.

But the Lille woman says above all that she ended up accepting her body, especially since giving birth. “I felt muscular, I felt I had strength. And then it’s a body that I ended up accepting against all odds” she revealed. The 38-year-old singer has therefore decided to assume herself and no longer feel complexed. But she is not used to behaving like this. “It’s very new for me, to get naked like that, to get on heels and show a piece of skin“, she admitted.

A very discreet young mother

She also took advantage of this interview to look back over the last few months, which she calls “trying“, between the Covid-19 crisis and especially the filthy war in Ukraine. She said she wanted to “protect oneself from the world“.”Probably because I have a child, I project myself differently“, she explained. Because yes, the singer became a mother in March 2019, after the crazy success of her first album Girlfriend. Very discreet about her private life, she had waited until May 2021 before revealing her baby’s face on social networks for the first time.

It is also difficult to know much more about his love life. In November 2021, she explained in one of her songs from her new album, titled Burn the fire, that she had suffereda shattering break“. Difficult for all that to know if the singer speaks of the father of her child, or of an old adventure. Anyway, this interview will have allowed her to empty her bag, and to assume her physique.

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