June 18 Vote – Committee To Promote Extension Of Covid-19 Law – News

  • A non-partisan committee is campaigning for the extension of individual articles of the Covid 19 law.
  • The further course of the pandemic cannot be reliably estimated, according to the committee made up of the SP, Greens, GLP, Center Party, FDP and EPP.
  • After June 2021 and autumn 2022, this is already the third vote on the Covid 19 law. Opponents of the measures took the referendum.

The yes committee argues that with the extension of the Covid law, action could be taken quickly if the situation worsens significantly. This is particularly important for the protection of those who are particularly at risk. The extension is also necessary to protect the economy against a renewed outbreak of the pandemic and to avoid the re-application of emergency law.


Among other things, the law creates the basis for the federal government to be able to issue certificates.

Keystone/Martial Trezzini.

According to the committee, it is currently unlikely that the Covid certificate will be necessary again in Germany. With the extension, unauthorized drugs against Covid-19 could be placed on the market. This will also secure the program for the development and manufacture of Covid-19 drugs.

Duration of validity depends on voting

The referendum committee for the Mass-voll and Friends of the Constitution movements, on the other hand, wants to draw a line under the pandemic. A no to the proposal on June 18 means a return to normality, they argue.

The temporary Covid-19 law has been in place since September 2020 and has been amended several times. The current version is valid until the end of June 2024. Because the councils have declared the provisions to be urgent, they are already in force. If they say no, they would only apply until mid-December 2023.

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