Jungle camp 2023: Verena Kerth has to be the first celebrity to leave the camp

Jungle camp 2023
Verena Kerth is the first celebrity to leave the camp

For Verena Kerth, the dream of the jungle crown has burst.


On day eight in the jungle, viewers were allowed to decide which celebrity should be over. Verena Kerth is the first candidate.

Who will get the jungle crown in 2023 and thus follow Filip Pavlovic (28) in the current season is still in the stars. At least Verena Kerth definitely won’t be. As the first candidate, the 41-year-old presenter has to say goodbye to the other celebrity campers. First it was on January 20th in “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” at RTL (also on RTL+) but high as always.

Frogs, spiders and then ghosts

After Djamila Rowe (55) was attacked by a “frog gang” in the night, the candidates had to deal with a larger spider, which two production employees were even looking for. Because the animal “could not be secured”, it was “a bit scary” for the 55-year-old. It became almost spooky when Cecilia Asoro (26) reported seeing “a man”. “It was a hundred percent a ghost,” Lucas Cordalis (55) was sure. Or maybe Asoro had only dreamed it. The reality star jumped out of bed that night and briefly collapsed near the campfire – apparently confused. She herself took this brief shock for a dream.

Meanwhile, there was a premiere at the “Murwillumbah Grand Prix”. For the first time, three celebrities from the classic test were able to take stars back to the camp. Claudia Effenberg (57), who actually didn’t feel like it, sat blind at the wheel of a small car. Cosimo Citiolo (41) was supposed to indicate the direction without hearing anything or seeing the route – and Gigi Birofio (23) saw the course but was not allowed to speak and had to gesticulate wildly. The trio was the first celebrity team to complete the task within 15 minutes and collect seven stars in the process. “We’ve had this test a few times and nobody has ever brought stars home,” praised presenter Sonja Zietlow (54). Totally “geilomat” for Effenberg.

“Who are you to criticize me?”

It got tough for Tessa Bergmeier (33), who was suffering from nicotine withdrawal in the meantime. She had initially had to go without her cigarettes because the storage box had not been handed in. “Not for real, ey. I’m throwing up in the jet,” she cursed, missing her personal morning highlight. And a joint treasure hunt with Asoro was not under a lucky star. “It can end well, it can end badly,” Asoro was skeptical. After the two questions they were asked could not answer correctly and therefore had to leave without a treasure, she summed it up accordingly: “It was so clear, fuck dude.”

The two had already clashed in the past few days. What was bubbling away there finally boiled up after returning to the camp. Asoro confronted Bergmeier because she didn’t like being called “baby” or “sister”. The model speaks to her like a small child and she feels “triggered”. Bergmeier reacted aggressively: “Who are you to criticize me?” Asoro’s accusation that her fellow camper had two faces and felt attacked by everything drove the 33-year-old completely upset. “Cecilia, that’s enough now,” Bergmeier stormed away screaming. She later explained that she “felt threatened” at that moment. Asoro’s conclusion: “Tessa, you have a very bad problem.”

In a live broadcast, Zietlow and fellow moderator Jan Köppen (39) announced that Verena Kerth, of whom little was seen in the current episode, had to leave the show. Next to her was Jana Pallaske (43) on the brink. Bergmeier and Asoro can probably feel safe for the time being, because the two eventually bring action to the show.


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