Jurassic World Evolution 2: the Late Cretaceous DLC launched on video

Frontier Developments has already sold over a million copies of Jurassic World Evolution 2 and he has offered some additional content since the launch of his management game based on the franchise Jurassic Parklike the pack The Cretaceous Colo and Dominion Biosyn.

This time, players can crack for Late Cretaceousa DLCs which adds four new species. We find the flying hunter on crest Barbaridactylusthe enormous Alamosaurusthe fast australovenator and the bright Styxosaurus. Frontier Developments take the opportunity to launch a free update adding the possibility of customizing the lagoons or color settings for lighting.

the Late Cretaceous DLC is available now in Jurassic World Evolution 2 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch, you can already find it at €7.19 (-10%) on Gamesplanet.

Writer – Tester

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