Jussie Smollett: Actor interrupts prosecutor in ongoing trial

Jussie Smollett
Actor interrupts the prosecutor in the course of the trial

Jussie Smollett is currently on trial in Chicago.

© Dennis Van Tine / starmaxinc.com / ImageCollect

Jussie Smollett continues to vent his anger in court. During his own interrogation, he unceremoniously interrupted the prosecutor.

Turbulent scenes during the trial of actor Jussie Smollett (39). While he was being cross-examined by Public Prosecutor Dan Webb, the “Empire” actor interrupted the lawyer and asked him not to use the N-word anymore. This would offend him. As Fox News reporter Matt Finn tweeted from the courtroom, Webb had previously read the N-word from the files.

“Can you spell the N-word out of respect for every African American in this room? You said that word a lot,” Smollett burst out. Webb himself took the criticism to heart and made a compromise proposal: Smollett himself should quote from the files. He took over the job of the public prosecutor without further ado, without repeating the swear word directly.

Confused case of alleged attack

Smollett is currently on trial in Chicago on charges of false testimony and false suspicion. To this day he claims to have been physically assaulted, beaten, and homophobically and racially insulted on the street. The alleged attackers, however, claim that it was a staged scene. They had previously been commissioned and paid for the attack by Smollett.

Investigators came to a similar conclusion. The alleged motive of Smollett: more media attention. The attack initially caused a sensation in the USA, with many celebrities – including the later US President Joe Biden (79) – publicly jumped to Smollett’s side. The closing arguments in the confused case are expected on Wednesday. Smollett denies alleged payment of $ 3,500 to the two attackers.


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