Jussie Smollett wants new trial after false testimony verdict

Jussie Smollett
He wants a new trial after the verdict for false testimony

Jussie Smollett was convicted of false testimony in December.

© Dennis Van Tine/starmaxinc.com/ImageCollect

Will the Jussie Smollett case go back to court? He is pushing for a new trial after being convicted of false testimony.

The US actor Jussie Smollett (39) wants a new edition of his court case. As the portal “TMZ” reports, Smollett is currently pursuing a retrial in Chicago. The court documents say the jury selection process was flawed. Therefore, the judgment was not lawful. Therefore, the judge should cancel this and start a new process.

Smollett was found guilty of false testimony in December 2021. He lied to the police and faked a crime. The star of the television series “Empire” claimed in 2019 that he had been physically attacked, beaten and homophobic and racially insulted on the street. The alleged attackers are said to have identified themselves as supporters of US President Donald Trump (75) and put a noose around his neck.

Then the case took a surprising turn. According to investigations, the actor is said to have paid the men, two Nigerian-American brothers, for the robbery. According to the indictment, he wanted to increase his profile with the campaign. Smollett ended up on trial for false testimony and disturbing the public peace. The public prosecutor surprisingly dropped the case in May 2019. Smollett only had to do community service and pay $10,000.

Prosecutor reopened case

A special prosecutor reopened the case in 2020, and the actor had to go back to court. Due to corona-related delays, the process did not start until November 2021. Smollett continued to deny the allegations. The payment to the brothers was for nutrition and training advice.


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