Justin Bieber: Loving post for the first wedding anniversary

Her civil wedding took place two years ago. A year ago, however, Hailey and Justin Bieber celebrated their dream wedding.

Justin Bieber (26, "Yummy") made a declaration of love to his wife Hailey (23) on a special occasion: The couple will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on September 30th. A year ago, the singer and the model said yes at a church ceremony. "Hailey Bieber, I am so happy to be your man. You teach me so much every day and make me a better person," wrote Justin Bieber in an Instagram post.

"I promise to support you in being the woman God has called you to be," added Bieber. "I wish from the bottom of my heart that you can make all your dreams come true. I promise you that I will always put yourself first and be patient and loving. Congratulations on your wedding day, my beautiful, sweet girl." In addition, the musician published a black and white picture that captured the wedding kiss.

Photo series by Hailey Bieber

Hailey Bieber also remembers the special day on Instagram: "A year ago we had the best wedding ever. I wish I could see the day again and again," enthuses the 23-year-old and published a whole series of photos of the wedding. In her Instagram story, she also clarifies once again to all ignorant fans: "I know our story is complicated. Married for two years, the wedding a year ago."

The couple got engaged in the Bahamas in July 2018 and married quietly at a registry office in New York just two months later. It was not until September of the following year that they made their marriage vows a second time in a large church ceremony with 150 invited guests.
