Justin Bieber: Wife Hailey "isn't ready" for babies

Justin Bieber
Wife Hailey "isn't ready" for babies

Justin Bieber and his Hailey have been married since 2018.

© Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / ImageCollect

Justin Bieber chatted with his wife Hailey on a US talk show about planning a child. The model is "not yet ready" for children.

Will Justin Bieber (26, "Sorry") and his wife Hailey (24) have offspring soon? If it were up to the singer, it could be a "small tribe", as he recently revealed on the talk show by US presenter Ellen DeGeneres (62). "I'm going to have as many kids as Hailey is willing to squeeze out," jokes Bieber. "I think she'd like a few. At least two or three."

But the two are not in a hurry with the offspring. "I think Hailey still has some things she wants to achieve as a woman, she just isn't ready. And I think that's okay," says Justin Bieber. The tattooed singer left extra space on his back for tattoos of his children. He wanted to have it stung as soon as he was a father. Justin and Hailey Bieber have been married since October 2018.
