Kabosu, the most famous dog on the Internet, has left us

It was on her Instagram account and her blog that Atsuko Sato, owner of Kabosu (or Doge, on the Internet), announced that the famous 18-year-old dog had passed away. Since 2022, Kabosu has been battling cholangiohepatitis and chronic leukemic lymphoma. A farewell party will be held this Sunday in the city of Narita, Japan.

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An Internet legend has passed away

Omnipresent on the Internet and used in numerous memes since this 2010 photo that you must have already seen, Kabosu subsequently became the face of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin in 2013. What was initially just a joke is now today one of the main cryptocurrencies which will inspire the creation of many other virtual currencies, Dogecoin having even received the support of a certain Elon Musk.

Adopted in 2008 from an animal shelter, Kabosu was a shiba “sweet and calm who loves being photographed“, recalled his owner.

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