Kad Merad and Julia Vignali robbed, amount of loot revealed

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Thursday, February 16, Kad Merad and his partner, Julia Vignali, were victims of a burglary in their Parisian apartment. The amount of the damage has been revealed, and the sum is more than substantial…

sad news for Kad Merad And Julia Vignali. The couple’s apartment was robbed this Thursday, February 16, reported The Sunday newspaper. She is the journalist Telematinon France 2, which made the terrible discovery arriving home in the late afternoon. On the spot, she was able to see that their home, located in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, had been turned upside down. The actor’s companion then immediately called the police, around 5:30 p.m. The investigators in turn observed the damage: the perpetrator(s) of the burglary toured the premises before seizing several luxury watches.

According to our colleagues, the damage of this burglary “would be around 200,000 euros”. Kad Merad had to follow this unfortunate affair from a distance since he was not in Paris at the time of the events. Apart from luxury watches, we do not yet know all the property stolen by the thugs. The Paris prosecutor’s office has opened a preliminary investigation which he entrusted to the agents of the first district of the Parisian judicial police.

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Another famous couple robbed in the same week

Kad Merad and Julia Vignali are not the only victims of burglary this week. In effect, Rachel Legrain-Trapani and Valentin Léonard also had the misfortune to find their house in a sorry state. While the couple was in Paris, Tuesday, February 14, he received a phone call warning him of the break-in. “I haven’t slept all night”explained the influencer on Instagram, the next day. “To explain, I was at the football match yesterday, Rachel was in Paris and in fact, I left almost after half-time. We were warned that we were robbed at home. They returned everything. They drove straight into the barriers with a car, a bit like a ram car, he continued. The parents of little Andréa had however equipped their house with cameras and surveillance alarms after a first burglary which occurred in January.


Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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