Karine Le Marchand: love on the net? The host arranges meetings between singles on Instagram: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Love is on the net. Confinement requires, many of us have to work from home, to have fun at home, and all thanks to what? To our internet network, praying that nothing will explode and above all that the system will hold. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, become even more the meeting point to stay in touch and exchange. Keep in touch while being everyone at home. Many personalities have understood this. Even Jean-Jacques Goldman came out of his silence to pay tribute to the nursing staff and to all those who continue to work. Karine Le Marchand also had an idea which she launched on her account Instagram, March 23, 2020. After Love is in the meadow, whose portraits of the next season were recently broadcast on M6, the host embarks on a new adventure.

"What if I were doing live Instagram portraits of singles? I give an hour of Rv, you connect, and I take you at random, a girl, a boy in alternation, we chat, people can find you, and contact you…would you like?"she writes on her account. An initiative somewhat mocked by her daughter Alya and her ex, the rapper JoeyStarr. On D day, at 5 pm, Karine Le Marchand gets into her car, because she has four teenagers of 18 at 23 who threw her out of the house, lest she take too much network, for this unique meeting session between singles. The first one, Florence, 45, from Lyon, appears on the screen. This mother of two teenagers, "good cook"according to his children, working in the police force, is looking for"someone calm and composed, healthy in body and mind","neither too young nor too old","with a blank locker".

Karine Le Marchand gives an appointment every day at 5 p.m. Instagram

To respect parity, Karine Le Marchand then goes looking for a man. She manages to get in touch with Cedric, originally from Aubevoye, in Normandy, a truck driver. Seeing him very intimidated by the situation, she tried to extract information from him to make it better known to Internet users. This father of a 9-year-old child is looking for a woman of a rather cheerful nature, but not drinking alcohol, following a traumatic experience with his last companion. After this second contact, the discussions continue as best they can. Between connection problem and people who are not single, Karine Le Marchand navigates among Internet users in search of a single person.

Then follow Fabien, 29, from Lorient, radio host, looking for a woman who "knows what she wants in life, a little atypical and barge, with character ", then Alexander, 34, living in Annecy. This administrative assistant, single since 2015, is looking for a man, "manly, tall, nice and clean"and follower"respect and serenity"The last of this hour of meeting is Carole de Nantes, 36, looking for a "simple man, respectful and sincere"The opportunity for Karine Le Marchand from thank the nursing staff because the young woman works as a nurse.

Confined in a house that she rented to be with the family, with her mother and her companion, her daughter Alya, her niece and her friend, and another niece, Stéphane Plaza's accomplice decided to renew the operation every day at 5 p.m. on his account Instagram. With her usual humor, she takes the opportunity to thank internet users, because she says that at least "it will force me to wash my hair and brush my teeth."

Read also : “Love is in the meadow”: Karine Le Marchand delivers an important message in front of Laura, victim of sexual abuse