Karine Le Marchand saves a candidate from the speed dating disaster

Monday August 21, 2023, M6 will kick off the 18th season of “Love is in the meadow”. An episode during which a farmer will be generously helped by Karine Le Marchand. (Spoilers!)

Love and turbulence. This 18th season ofLove is in the meadowpromises to be rich in emotions and several incidents have already punctuated M6’s essential dating programme. Example: two farmers have no received no letter. During the first episode, broadcast on Monday August 21, 2023, and already available in preview on 6play max, another candidate also narrowly escaped discomfort during the dreaded speed dating. This is Patrick Norman breeder and polycultivator 39-year-old with hemiplegia, a physical disability that he revealed in his portrait: “I was born with a malformation in my right hand. The right leg is a little shorter than the left. I limp a little when I walk.

stranger to lovePatrice thus approached this essential stage of the show the lump in the stomach. “They know that you don’t know how to do it and that they will have to take you by the hand. Patrice, you said it during your portrait. It didn’t scare them. And then, you are not the first of Love is in the meadow who has never made love or had fulfilling relationships. There has to be a first time for everything. And you picked girls that were nice“, then launched Karine Le Marchand, wanting to be reassuring. And to add:They know you have a disability, that you’re a farmer, that you haven’t had a girlfriend… and that doesn’t scare them. So don’t let it block you. What matters is listening to others. It will be alright.” The problem? Our farmer overlooked a detail that would have allowed him to apprehend these encounters more calmly: the gift for his suitors. Fortunately, the conductor of the program once again came to his rescue: “We’ll save you the case. Can someone get the rose from my dressing room? We don’t tell them. Only viewers will know.

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Karine Le Marchand: her gesture towards Patrice applauded

Karine Le Marchand seems to have took Patrice under his wing in this new season ofLove is in the meadow. During his portrait, the farmer had thus confided to being in lovesickness to the 55-year-old presenter, admitting to him in passing never to have held someone in his arms of his whole life. A confidence that did not fail to touch the former companion of footballer Lilian Thuram. “Do you want to start with me?” she then asked him before welcoming him warmly in her arms. A gesture that moved internet users. “Karine is so kind to farmers, it’s touching”, for example, wrote one of them on X (formerly Twitter).


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