Karoline Herfurth
She says goodbye to grandmother who died of Covid-19
Actress Karoline Herfurth mourns her grandmother.
© imago images / Future Image
Karoline Herfurth explained in an Instagram post that her grandmother died two weeks ago after suffering from Covid 19.
Actress Karoline Herfurth (36, "Sweethearts") wrote an emotional Instagram post in which she announced that her grandmother died two weeks ago from Covid-19 alone. "I wish everyone out there courage and strength and support. I put a light in my window as a sign of solidarity and in memory of loved ones who have passed away. A little greeting in the sky to my beloved grandma," Herfurth continues. In addition, she published a picture of a dark room with a burning candle on a window sill.
The consequences of this pandemic and the mourning for the dead would keep people busy for a long time, adds the actress and criticizes at the end: "I cannot understand why children and culture spend in isolation, while companies are only advised to lockdown to live just as consistently. " This pandemic and its consequences can only be created together and rules must apply to everyone.
Lights action by the Federal President
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (65) had called on citizens to take part in the "#lichtfenster" campaign. He encouraged her to put a light in her window and share a picture of it with the hashtag #lichtfenster on social media, as Karoline Herfurth has now done.