Kate Middleton facing cancer: this false shocking photo which created astonishment

A photo montage that shocked more than one. In a poignant video published on March 22, Kate Middleton announced terrible news. After having undergone abdominal surgery, the mother of George, Charlotte and Louis revealed that she was a victim of cancer. “It was thought that my condition was not cancerous. However, tests carried out after the operation revealed the presence of cancer. So my medical team advised me to undergo preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the process of early stages of this treatment”, she assured, upset. To optimize her treatment and recovery, the Princess of Wales has decided to withdraw from public life and suspend her royal obligations. However, Kate Middleton continues to cause a lot of ink to flow in spite of herself.

As reported The essential, an Internet user recently published a fake photo of Kate Middleton on Instagram, generated by artificial intelligence. In the montage, we discover the Princess of Wales without hair, which she would have lost due to chemotherapy, and wearing a scarf to hide her scalp. “Even if your appearance changes, you will always be beautiful in our eyes”, wrote the Internet user. Unfortunately, many people have failed to tell the real thing from the fake and have believed the photo to be real. The publication also generated around a hundred thousand likes in just a few days, as well as thousands of comments. However, many fans noticed the deception and did not hesitate to raise a rant in the space dedicated to responses. “You should be deeply ashamed.”regretted one Instagram user, while another declared: “Leave her alone.”

⋙ PHOTOS – Kate Middleton: her beauty evolution from the 2000s to today

Kate Middleton facing cancer: this remarkable appearance in Norfolk

Since announcing that she had cancer, Kate Middleton has been particularly discreet on social networks and in the media. However, the Princess of Wales continues to be active on a daily basis. The proof ? As revealed by a witness at the‘Eastern Daily Pressthis Wednesday, May 29, the wife of Prince William was seen alongside her husband at Bakers & Larners, a delicatessen located in Norfolk, not far from her second home in Anmer Hall. “It was nice to see the couple shopping together”, revealed the source of our colleagues, adding that William had bought chocolate. A new reassuring public appearance, which proves that Kate Middleton is fit enough to go shopping.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: GOFF INF / BESTIMAGE

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