Kate Middleton in heaven: big announcement for the Princess of Wales after months of battle!

By Caroline Perrin | Journalist

Obelix of the celebrity press, she fell into it when she was little and never really left the pot. His favorite pastime? Scour the social networks of stars to find clues about breakups or new couples still kept secret.

On March 22, Kate Middleton announced that she had cancer. Since then, the Princess of Wales has been treated with chemotherapy with the greatest discretion. However, good news has just illuminated this dark period of his life.

Kate Middleton in heaven: big announcement for the Princess of Wales after months of battle!

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The information came out but no one wanted to believe it. In a video published on social networks by the Princess of Wales on March 22, Kate Middleton announced that she had cancer. An illness detected after an operation, like the illness of his father-in-law, Charles III. It is with the greatest discretion that Kate Middleton follows the chemotherapy treatment administered by doctors. And if the mother of George, Charlotte and Louis (10, 8 and 6 years old) has been staying away from public life for several weeks, she is nonetheless still committed to the causes that are close to his heart.

Excellent news for Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton has never hidden her attraction and her involvement in the field of early childhood. For her, there is no doubt that the well-being and balance of a child, especially in the first years of their existence, has repercussions on the rest of their life, and therefore on the people around them. and society more generally. With the Shaping Us campaign launched at the beginning of last year, the Princess of Wales has made this subject one of her main fights. And some good news has just come back to him.

A report from the campaign told him that several large companies in the United Kingdom have seriously considered the subject and are considering getting involved in the action. These companies include: Aviva, Deloitte, IKEA UK and Ireland and Unilever UK. Enough to make Kate Middleton proud and happy given the impact that these big names can have.

Prince William’s wife would be absolutely delighted by this news. If Shaping Us is about awareness, action obviously matters much more. “To have eight of the country’s largest companies at his side is a big victory for her“, says Christian Guy, executive director of the Royal Foundation Center for Early Childhood at Hello Magazine. Through the funds and actions that everyone can raise or carry out, Kate Middleton wants priority to be given to early childhood. This involves in particular aid to families who need it, the creation of activities, access to education and access to care.

The return to public life of the Princess of Wales not yet news

There is no doubt that despite the illness and the treatment she is currently undergoing, Kate Middleton is observing the progress of the work very closely. However, the Princess of Wales is not not yet officially back on the scene. As a royal expert told the Daily Mail, “Kate needs space and privacy to recover. She will return to work when she has clearance from the doctors” Kate must be impatient, like Charles III, at the idea of ​​reconnecting with the public and royal obligations. In the meantime, the priority remains her health. Let’s hope that recovery is not far away.. .

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