Kate Middleton puts her passion in the spotlight in a first book

The Duchess of Cambridge has just unveiled her first book linked to her passion: photography. It presents a new collection of images captured during the coronavirus pandemic in the UK.

Kate Middleton has announced the publication of her first book in which she celebrates her passion for photography. His plan was to capture life in the UK in full lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic.

For the project “Hold Still “, the British were invited to send their portrait taken in Britain during the lockdown and select 100 for display across the country. In Hold Still: A Portrait of Our Nation in 2020, Kate Middleton will collect these 100 portraits as well as the stories linked to these images. “When we look back on the Covid-19 pandemic in the decades to come, we will think about the challenges we have all faced – the loved ones we have lost, the prolonged isolation of our families and friends, and the pressure that lies ahead. weighs on our key workers “, writes the Duchess of Cambridge in the foreword of the book. She also explains why the project is so important to her. “But we will also remember the positives: the incredible acts of kindness, the helpers and heroes who have emerged from all walks of life, and how together we have adjusted to a new normal.“she says.

“Through Hold Still, I wanted to use the power of photography to create a lasting album of what we all experience – to capture the stories of individuals and document important moments for families and communities as we live through the pandemic. I hope the final 100 images showcase the experiences and emotions brought to bear during this extraordinary moment in history, pay tribute to the awe-inspiring efforts of all who have worked to protect others, and provide us with a moment to make a difference. pause and reflect on this unprecedented period.“, she continued.

This book will include highlights from the exhibition with some of the photos displayed on boards in public spaces across the UK.

For now, the book will be available online and in UK bookstores. from May 7, exactly one year after the launch of the project. Proceeds will be distributed among the mental health charity Mind, which Kate Middleton and her husband Prince William have long supported, as well as at the National Portrait Gallery.

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After a master’s degree in writing in my pocket, I am now a freelance writer. If my favorite fields are fashion and beauty, I also write articles …