Kate + William: Prince George knows that one day he will be king

Duchess Kate + Prince William
George knows that one day he will be king

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How do you tell a child that one day they will rule an entire kingdom? Duchess Catherine and Prince William show how it is done.

When Prince George (7) was born in July 2013, the whole world looked to London, because the eldest son of Prince William (39) and Duchess Kate (39) will one day be the King of Great Britain. Explaining his future career to a young boy is probably not that easy, especially since George is currently only third in line to the throne after his grandfather Prince Charles (72) and father William. Even if his ascension to the throne is still a long way off, the moment will come when Prince George will become king.

Prince George learned in 2020 that he would one day be king

According to British author and Royal expert Robert Lacey, William and Kate told their son about his succession to the throne “around his seventh birthday.” Why didn’t the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge talk to their offspring about their future royal office earlier? According to Lacey, they wanted their son to have a “normal family upbringing”, the child should grow up just like his two siblings Princess Charlotte (6) and Prince Louis (3). Nonetheless, the time came in the summer of 2020 when William and Kate had to address their son’s “future royal duties and expectations”. This should happen at a “controlled moment of your choosing,” as Lacey describes in his book “Battle of Brothers”.

Prince William: He wants a normal childhood for his son

“Prince William did not tell the world how and when he announced the big news to his son. Perhaps one day George will tell us this story himself.” Prince William wanted George to grow up “normally” in his family. The reason for this should have been private experiences in the past of the 39-year-old heir to the throne. According to Lacey, Prince William was very unhappy with the way he found out about his future duties. The author describes this moment in Williams’ life as “haphazard”.

This article originally appeared on GALA.de.

Source used: dailymail.co.uk
