Keeping weight: this is how yoga works

There are so many good reasons to focus on your core. The most obvious one: As a result of the metabolic change from around the age of 40, almost all women gain a few pounds, mostly in the waist. Because now the high estrogen levels of the youth no longer protect us from the "stomach". So if you want to maintain your weight, you should try yoga. But even those who are very slim should do something for the pelvic floor, abdominal and back muscles.

Because if we do not challenge them, we will gradually lose muscle mass. But turning our gaze and feeling towards our center has another use. "The middle of the body is the seat of our integrity," says yoga teacher Eva Klein (, who as an embodiment coach is very concerned with the unity of body and mind. "It is the link between our thoughts and words – and how we ultimately bring them into the world."

Keeping weight thanks to yoga

Eva Klein is convinced that those who find and strengthen their core can face the world with more determination – and here shows us a series of yoga exercises for this. Before you start, have a look at and do two to three sun greetings to warm you up.