Kev Adams presents his brother for his birthday: a detail surprises Internet users

This Monday, December 27, 2021 is not a day like any other for Kev Adams since it is the birthday of two important people in his life, especially his brother Noam. Moreover, a detail disturbed his followers.

Kev Adams is not always unanimous on the Web but that does not mean that the one who tackled the Kardashians decided to let it go, on the contrary! It’s at the microphone of TV-Leisure than the comedian delivered on the criticisms received since the beginning of his career and on his way of supporting them. “My report is pretty straightforward, even pretty healthy I would say. I read the messages sent to me from time to time. When it’s love, I answer it with love. When it’s hate, I just try to ignore it. I find it too unfortunate to give importance to people who criticize you. Especially since they often have few arguments behind “ he confessed. A positive attitude that allows him not to sink and especially to remain active on his different profiles to the delight of his admirers. Moreover, his last publication posted this Monday, December 27, 2021 did not go unnoticed on Instagram.

Kev Adams celebrates his brother’s birthday … and Gérard Depardieu

While the public could find him in the poster of the film Haters with Rayane Bensetti, Kev Adams will show himself from a more touching angle next February 23 with Gérard Depardieu in Retirement Home. Moreover, he shared the spotlight with the actor. A collaboration that marked her a lot since he wished him his birthday on Instagram by highlighting photos with him … before that of his brother born the same day. “Today is the birthday of the legend Gérard Depardieu! So looking forward to the film Maison de Retraite which comes out on February 23. It is sublime, grandiose what I say legendary in the film. It is also the anniversary of my brother who is one of the 2 people on the last photo for you to guess ” he revealed. The last picture actually shows his brother posing with … Kylian Mbappé. Difficult not to recognize him given that he is his hidden portrait. Internet users have also had several recurring reactions to this post, such as: “So you put Depardieu before your brother,” your brother is MBappé I didn’t know !! “,” It’s amazing how he looks like you “ or “why the photo of Noam after Depardieu? I hope it’s because you save the best for last“.

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