Kicked out of “Sommerhaus der Stars”: That’s why broadcaster RTL pulled the ripcord twice

Kicked out of “Sommerhaus der Stars”
That’s why broadcaster RTL pulled the ripcord twice

That was the initial cast of the current season of “The Summer House of the Stars”.


This has never happened before at the “Summer House of the Stars”: two couples were thrown out by the station. RTL has now explained the step.

Actually, this year’s celebrities in the “Summer House of the Stars” are doing exactly what they were hired to do: bickering until the trash bars bend – but only verbally, please. But in the truest sense of the word, several couples went overboard in the current season. As broadcaster RTL has now announced, there was such a serious argument in episode six that the production had to intervene and immediately evict two couples from the summer house – a novelty in the format.

Stunk broke out between Valentina Doronina (23) and her fiancé Can Kaplan as well as the couple Gigi Birofio (24) and Dana Feist (26), who had just moved in. Because things got violent, the broadcaster immediately pulled the ripcord. The reason given is: “Physical violence has no place in the summer house. Therefore, Gigi and his partner Dana have to leave the house.”

The conflicting party also has to move out

But because an argument always involves two – or in this case even four – the conflict also has far-reaching consequences for Valentina and Can: “In order to calm the tense atmosphere in the summer house and out of responsibility towards all couples involved, it was decided to also Valentina and Can from the broadcast.” The duo provoked the border crossing with “verbal attacks”.

The entire drama of episode six can already be viewed in full length on the streaming service RTL+. Meanwhile, TV viewers have to wait until October 24th before the episode is broadcast on RTL.

The eighth season started on September 12th with the “best single episode ever on RTL+”, and the new episodes also started on linear television on September 19th. Eric (34) and Edith Stehfest (34), Claudia Obert (62) and Max Suhr (25) as well as Aleks Petrovic (32) and Vanessa Nwattu (23) were there.


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