Kicktipp: Delete betting round in just a few steps – here’s how


Do you want to finally clean up Kicktipp and delete all unnecessary betting communities? We will show you here how you can delete existing betting groups.

Old betting rounds on Kicktipp are rarely used any more. There can be a variety of reasons for this. In some cases, the rounds have become too inactive, in other cases the game leader is no longer active enough. For competitions such as the 2024 European Championship, new game rounds are usually simply opened. To create order, we will show you here how you can delete unnecessary rounds.

Kicktipp: Delete a betting round – here’s how

  1. Delete betting round Image 1 | Kicktipp Delete betting round Image 1 | Kicktipp

    First you have to log in to the site with your Kicktipp account. Only then will you get an overview of your betting rounds. Click on the betting round you want to delete. However, this is only possible if you are the group leader. If you are just a simple participant, you have to leave the group.

  2. 2

    Then, at Kicktipp, select the lowest item “Match Director” in the left column. You will also find the sub-item “Basic settings” in the left column. At the bottom of the sub-item, select “Delete prediction game”.

  3. Delete betting round Image 4 | Kicktipp Delete betting round Image 4 | Kicktipp

    In the last step, Kicktipp gives you one last hint that if you delete the betting pool, all data for the group will be lost. Check the box “Are you sure? Yes, I want to do that.” Now click on “Delete betting pool!” to complete the process. You will then receive a message that your betting pool has been deleted.

  4. If the betting group still appears in your selection, you just need to reload the homepage. Then the group will be history once and for all.

In our large Kicktipp overview we give you further useful tips and tricks on how you can enjoy the popular betting game even more. There we tell you how you can delete members in Kicktipp or change or delete bonus questions in Kicktipp.

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