Kicktipp: How to find your betting game


The 2024 European Championship is starting and with it the popular betting rounds on Kicktipp are coming back. We’ll show you here how you can find your betting game without any problems.

The 2024 European Championship is a perfect opportunity to start a betting pool again. The Kicktipp platform is perfect for this purpose. To start with, you might be wondering how exactly you can find a betting pool. In this tutorial, we’ll explain how you can search for a specific Kicktipp betting pool.

Search for Kicktipp betting pool – here’s how

  1. Search for a betting pool at Kicktipp Search for a betting pool at Kicktipp

    You have opened the Kicktipp homepage. Click on “Search for betting games” under the item “Free betting games” in the left-hand bar. In the app you will also find this item in this bar, which you can open by tapping the Kicktipp logo in the top left corner.

  2. Search for betting pool at kicktipp Search for betting pool at kicktipp

    You will then be taken to a new selection screen. You must enter the short name of the betting pool in the field provided. Then click on “to the betting pool”.

If you don’t know the short name of the betting group, ask the group leader for the name. Alternatively, the group leader can send you a link to the betting group on Kicktipp. This will take you directly to the betting group and you can become a member here.

If the link doesn’t work, you can at least see the name of the betting group. The links are structured as follows: DES TIPPSPIELS.

You can find even more tips and tricks about Kicktipp here on Netzwelt. We’ll tell you the best Kicktipp strategy and show you how you can use your Kicktipp tips for multiple groups.

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