Kim Gloss: Big concern! Head surgery due to brain tumor

Concern for Kim Gloss
Big concern! Head surgery due to brain tumor

Kim Gloss

© VISTAPRESS / imago images

Kim Gloss explains the reason for her extended social media break. The singer underwent surgery for a brain tumor.

“Dear friends, it has been a bit quiet here lately and unfortunately there is a reason for that,” explains Kim Gloss, 31, is taking a break from social media. “I had to have surgery on my head because of a brain tumor,” she reveals in her Instagram stories.

Kim Gloss has to take it easy

She has already had the operation and “everything went well,” Gloss continued. But now it is important for her to “take it easy.” The singer and influencer wants to get in touch with her fans and followers again soon. She does not reveal any further details.

Concern for Kim Gloss: Great concern! Head surgery due to brain tumor


The influencer is a mother of two

Kim Gloss became known throughout Germany in 2010 through her participation in the RTL casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” (Germany seeks the superstar), where she came in fourth place. In addition to music, the singer built a second career as a reality TV actress. In 2012, she took part in “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!”, where she came in second place behind the jungle queen. Brigitte Nielsen, 60, took.

In the jungle, she also met and fell in love with actor Rocco Stark, 38. They became a couple and had a daughter together in 2013. The pregnancy was accompanied by a television team from RTL for several shows. The two separated in 2013. Kim Gloss is now married to her new partner Alexander. Their daughter was born in 2022.

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