Kim Kardashian damaged Marilyn Monroe’s dress: the truth revealed!

She intends to restore her image. Kim Kardashian of course heard the criticism about the dress she wore at the Met Gala. In reality, it’s not the precious outfit that brought her the blame but rather what she did with it. The famous dress is, in fact, the one worn by Marilyn Monroe on President Kennedy’s birthday. Problem: in photos published after the fact, several diamonds, as well as a tear had been observed on the lower back. So would Kim Kardashian have ruined the precious collector’s item? Absolutely not according to the company that owns the dress!

Kim Kardashian has come under fire for wearing the ‘Happy Birthday’ dress but the fact is she hasn’t damaged the garment in any way in the short time it has been worn at the Met Gala“, reacted the Ripley’s museum, a society collecting works of art and culture (purchaser of the dress for the tidy sum of 4.8 million dollars), which wanted to make things clear.A number of seams are pulled and worn. This is not surprising given the delicacy of the material. There are pleats at the back, near the hooks and eyeletssaid the same representatives.

Categorical, Amanda Joiner, vice-president of Ripley’s even stepped up to make things clear. “From the bottom of the Met steps, where Kim slipped the dress on, to the top where it was returned, the dress was in the same condition” she indeed affirmed. Remember that the star had carried out a draconian diet to get into the sublime dress.

The info was signed Scott Fortner, a famous collector and fan of Marilyn Monroe, who was outraged at the Ripley company’s choice of having the dress worn. He and one of his friends had also published a series of photos showing several defects on the dress. “So much for keeping ‘coat integrity and conservation’, was it worth it?“asked the collector’s community.

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