Kim Kardashian divorced from Kanye West: why she apologized to her family

In a recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian opened up about her marriage to Kanye West. The famous influencer also took the opportunity to apologize to her family for the rapper’s inappropriate behavior.

A relationship that left its mark. For seven years, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been married. The couple went through ups and downs, before finally deciding to divorce. But even after their separation, the two stars continued to tear each other apart, the rapper accusing in particular his ex-wife of preventing him from seeing his children North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm. The latter never misses an opportunity to criticize the influencer and her new darling, Pete Davidson.

In the May 26 episode of the series Keeping up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian wished to apologize to his family for the many slip-ups of Ye, especially on social networks. “He probably says anything about me”lamented the young woman in front of her family, before making her mea culpa: “I recognize the impact my relationship has had on my family, and that I’ve never had the opportunity to just say, ‘I’m sorry guys’ (…) For once in my life, I feel strong. I won’t let anyone treat you, or myself, that way.”

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“When people say nasty things about one of us, it hurts us all,” confessed to the camera his mother, Kris Jenner, who is especially worried about her grandchildren. Indeed, the matriarch fears that one day the three young children will discover the comments made by their father against their mother . Kris Jenner thus wanted to warn her daughter: “It’s something that everyone really needs to be aware of,” she insisted. In any case, many people in the entourage of Kim Kardashian are delighted that she has separated from Kanye West. Like his ex-father-in-law, Caitlyn Jenner, who totally validates the new relationship of the young woman with Pete Davidson.

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Kim Kardashian
For seven years, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been married.

© Backgrid UK

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Kim Kardashian
The couple went through ups and downs, before finally deciding to divorce.


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Kim Kardashian
But even after their split, the two stars continued to tear each other apart, with the rapper notably accusing his ex-wife of preventing him from seeing his children North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm.

© Backgrid UK

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Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian


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Kim Kardashian
Kanye West never misses an opportunity to criticize the influencer and her new darling, Pete Davidson

© Zuma Press

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Kim Kardashian
In the May 26 episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian apologized to her family for Ye’s many slip-ups, especially on social media.

© Backgrid UK

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Kim Kardashian
“He probably says anything about me,” lamented Kim Kardashian in front of her family, before making her mea culpa

© B.S.

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Kim Kardashian
“I recognize the impact that my relationship has had on my family, and that I never had the opportunity to just say, ‘I’m sorry guys’ (…) For once in my life, I I feel strong. I won’t let anyone treat you or me like this,” Kim Kardashian added.

© Backgrid UK

10/12 –

Kim Kardashian
“When people say derogatory things about one of us, it hurts us all,” confessed his mother, Kris Jenner, who is most worried about her grandchildren.

© Backgrid UK

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Kim Kardashian
In any case, many people in the entourage of Kim Kardashian are delighted that she has separated from Kanye West.

© Zuma Press

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Kim Kardashian
Like her ex-stepfather, Caitlyn Jenner, who fully validates the young woman’s new relationship with Pete Davidson.

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