Kinder chocolates recalled in Europe after dozens of cases of salmonellosis

Ferrero recalls certain batches of Kinder chocolate products made in Belgium in France due to a “potential” link with cases of salmonella (AFP/Archives/MARCO BERTORELLO)

Two weeks before Easter, several dozen cases of salmonellosis have been detected in Europe, suspicions turning to Kinder chocolate products made in Belgium and recalled by the manufacturer Ferrero.

The latter recalled a series of Kinder products manufactured in its factory in Arlon in Belgium, and which were marketed in France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Germany and Sweden, said Tuesday at the AFP Ferrero.

In the United Kingdom, health authorities had already reported on Saturday a recall on certain batches of Kinder Surprise due to a “potential link with an epidemic of salmonellosis”.

A spokeswoman for the British health authorities told AFP on Tuesday that 63 cases of salmonella contamination were listed on their territory.

On the French side, 21 patients were reported by the National Salmonella Reference Center of the Institut Pasteur, 15 of whom indicated that they had consumed the Kinder products concerned, according to Public Health France. The median age of cases is 4 years.

“The investigations carried out by Santé Publique France revealed the consumption of certain Kinder brand products subject to this withdrawal-recall in the days preceding the onset of symptoms in the 15 patients who could be questioned at this time. “, detailed Public Health France in a press release on Tuesday.

In France, the recall concerns the equivalent of hundreds of tons of chocolates, said a spokeswoman for Ferrero.

“None of our Kinder products placed on the French market has tested positive for salmonella, we have not received any complaints from consumers,” the company said in a statement on Monday.

Are concerned Kinder Surprise 20g (by one, by three, by four and by six) and 100g with expiry dates between the end of April 2022 and the end of October 2022; Kinder Schoko-Bons with expiry dates between the end of April and the end of August 2022; Kinder Mini Eggs with expiry dates between the end of April and the end of August and finally Kinder Happy Moments, Kinder Mix: 193g, Basket 150g, Plush 133g, Bucket 198g, with expiry dates at the end of August 2022.

If you have consumed contaminated products, Santé Publique France recommends that you consult a doctor quickly.

Food poisoning caused by salmonella results in gastrointestinal disorders often accompanied by fever within forty-eight hours of consumption.

© 2022 AFP

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