King Charles’ first audience after diagnosis: photos raise questions

King Charles
Not Meghan, Kate and Co.: He framed these royals in the palace

Rishi Sunak and King Charles

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King Charles, 75, is currently not making any public appearances due to his cancer treatment, but the monarch does not want to miss his regular audiences with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, 43, at any price.

King Charles is moved to tears

On Wednesday, February 21st, the 75-year-old met the politician for a personal conversation at Buckingham Palace for the first time since his diagnosis was announced. In addition to important government matters, the meeting also discussed the king’s health. “The country is completely behind you,” Rishi Sunak assured the cancer-stricken king as he admitted how overwhelmed he was by last week’s response. “I have received so many wonderful messages and cards, most of which bring me to tears,” Charles said, according to British media reports.

Charles’ choice of photos at Buckingham Palace is surprising

In addition to the warm conversation, there are two photos in the background that are currently exciting Royal fans. In the room where King Charles received the Prime Minister, there are two framed photos on a side table that do not show Charles’ family members, but rather his royal colleagues. The first picture is an official portrait of Queen Máxima, 52, and King Willem-Alexander, 56, the second picture shows Queen Margrethe, 83.

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Possible background for Charles’ photo selection: Queen Margrethe is the third cousin of Queen Elizabeth, †96, and therefore also a distant relative of the British King. King Willem-Alexander and King Charles, on the other hand, are sixth cousins.

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